Sunday, July 5, 2009


I am stuck in a rut. I love making polymer clay beads but I like making big chunky, round ones. This is one of those bracelets that was made from big, round chunky beads. It's in my Etsy shop at, had to get a commercial in. I could sit for hours and make beads. I love making polymer clay canes like my friend Marlene who's blog you can see http://it's all about creating. She does some wild things with clay and so does my friend Judy that I wrote about on the 24th of June.

I feel very fortunate right now. Marlene just had hip replacement surgery and is having a hard time. She's younger than me and I can't imagine what that would be like because I'm so dependent on my body to do things for me that I take it for granted. I'm hoping Marlene will wake up some day and say "boy do I feel great". No more pain, she's had her share this year and last and even with the pain and problems she creates gorgeous things out of polymer clay and beading.

My friend Judy that I got started into polymer clay about a month ago is making some incredible things. Her jewelry has a wild side that I wish I could grasp. Mine was like that when I first started but after 6 years I'm more classical with my creations now. I wonder if I had a couple glasses of wine before I started doing my polymer clay if that would take away my inhibitions? Maybe a couple Margaritas would do it. I hope to get Judy on Etsy some day but first things first. A couple weeks ago Judy found out she had breast cancer. She said it's a small lump but this Thursday they are going to operate and will be removing lymph nodes also. I know she is going to be fine because she has a great attitude and a guy who loves her a lot. I try as much as I can to make her laugh because I know for a fact that laughing helps cure more than any drug or therapy can.

If you are reading this and it's Thursday, please say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed that she gets through this.

Whenever I have a friend who is down or having problems, I tell them what my grandmother use to tell me "get your a-- up out of the chair and dance". When my grandfather was alive and we would stay with them on the weekends they would dance in the living room when Lawrence Welk was on. He would always have my sister, brother and I dance with him. One night he had my sister on his feet (she was about 2 or 3)and they were doing the polka. Grandpa said he thought they were dancing to the Poop Pants Polka because Susie had pooped in her pants while they were dancing. We never forgot that. Those were the good old days.

Well, when Judy gets home from the hospital and has a little rest, we are going to be doing some major polymer clay stuff. She bought a new Makins Extruder and she's having a ball with that now.

On the UP SIDE, all my friend have gotten buffers. Rose got a buffer, Judy got a buffer and I got my new buffer a couple weeks ago. If you want to see how beautiful a polymer clay bead can look, sand it starting at 320 and move up to 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 2000 and then buff it. Lots of work but it's worth it. I'll be posting some pictures of beads that I've done.

Didn't get any new pictures of Booboo but he's still sitting in the box all the time.

That's it for tonight. Keep on claying.

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