Thursday, September 24, 2009

Isn't this incredible? Today my polymer clay guild is meeting in Prescott, Arizona for 4 days of claying. There will be 22 of us up there at a place called Camp Pinerock. It's a Christian retreat out in the woods and it's very campy. We will have a big room and each person gets a 6 foot table to work on.

What you see in this picture is 22 bags from Lowes that are what we call "Goody Bags". I have been collecting items and buying things for 6 months to fill these bags. Each person at the retreat will receive a bag. Most of the items in the bag are geared toward polymer clay but there are a few surprises in the bags (candy, chex mix) straws, poly rollers, beads, flashlights, lanyards, metal boxes, pens, clay, this year I made each person a hanger covered with eyelash yarn and put a little polymer clay shoe and polymer clay heart on a key ring for them. It sounded simple when I started it but by the 12th hanger I was asking myself "What were you thinking?" I started packing on Monday which was a mistake because I kept adding things to the bags and now I have 5 bags with claying stuff in it. It's going to take me a month to unpack and figure out where I had these things before I packed them.

My friend Marlene at "It's All About Creating" was suppose to go up with me this year but instead she decided to have cancer surgery on her face. She sent me a picture of her and she looks like a Halloween character with the bandages all over her face and head. Marlene, we are going to miss you and I hope you get better soon.

Yesterday at our beading club my friends Evelyn and Rose brought all their clay stuff with and we did a pattern for a bead that was in Step by Step beading. We taught our friend Toni how to do clay and she was great. Even though we had the same pattern, we ended up with 6 different beads. I'll take pictures and post them when they finish them.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for all the goodies. Loved them all!
