Friday, September 4, 2009

It's been a long time since I've had a chance to get to my blog, it's good to be back.
These pictures are of beads that I made with polymer clay using the "Torn Clay Tutorial" from Cindy Lietz. If you have never seen her videos or looked at her website and you a clayer, do it now. She gives some wonderful tips and shortcuts that will have you thinking about things you can do with clay, all the time, like I do. When I saw her video about the torn clay, all I thought about were the things I could do with that. Then, she had to come out with a tutorial about making flowers and callalilies and she changed the way you do a Skinner blend and the list just goes on and on and on.
Do yourself a favor and check out her website at it's an eye opener and she's a wonderful teacher. I thought I knew everything there was to know about polymer clay but I think because I can watch her do things on a new video every week, it inspires me.
That's the end of my commercial for now. I don't like writing serious things, I am really a comedian by heart.
I've talked about my good friend Rose many times before. This week Rose had her toe amputated. She's been in serious pain for 10 years because of damaged nerves in this toe. Well, she's doing great, I'm so happy for her. I told her when she gets better we would go have a pedicure and I'll only have 9 toes done so she won't feel bad. I asked her if shoes would less expensive since she only has 9 toes but she wasn't sure. I'm so happy she isn't having pain now. Hope it stays that way.
The end of September I am going to Prescott, AZ for 4 days with 22 other women and we are going to be doing polymer clay from 8 in the morning until 9 at night. This will be my 3rd year. We each get a 6 foot table and we are all in the same room together. It's sort of like that Broadway show "Menopause". The talent at this retreat has been incredible, food is fair. Everyone shares a technique or two and we make beads for the Beads of Courage project for the children in Arizona who either have cancer or some serious illness. Each child gets a bead every time they go through a procedure whether it's giving blood or going for chemo. We try to fill a 5 gallon pretzel jar with beads by the time the retreat is over. I never thought spending 4 days in the woods with a bunch of women playing with clay would be something I would do (especially since we can't have alcohol there) but I'm doing it for the 3rd time and looking forward to it.
Just want to wish my friend Judy good luck. She's starting radiation now and she's a little worn out but she'll be fine. She's got a good attitude.
Thanks again Cindy, you are awesome.

1 comment:

  1. How nice it was to come across such a sweet comment about my blog, Bonnie. Thank you very much!

    I was absolutely delighted to see the beautiful jewelry you created with your beads. You have a wonderful sense of color and design. I am very impressed with your work! ~ Cindy Lietz
