Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Southwest Polymer Clay Focal Bead with Magic Glos

Just spent 4 days at a camp in Prescott, Arizona with The Arizona Polymer Clay Guild. We had a wonderful time except for the food, wasn't good but we survived on donuts and snacks and a few meals out at restaurants. Anyway, we had a lot of wonderful demos and we all tried new things. We had a gift exchange which was fun because we played take away.

I made the above focal bead with clay from some canes that I had made over the weekend and with some cane pieces that were given to me by a couple of the people at camp. I made a spiral bead, flatened it out and cut the opening in it. When I got it home I sanded it, buffed it and this morning I put the Lisa Pavelka Magic Gloss on it and put it out in the sun. The magic gloss shrinks after it's on even though I spent quite a bit of time pulling it to the edges with a toothpick. I was going to do another layer but I didn't want it to high, I was afraid the heart indent wouldn't be seen. I put it on a black leather cord and it's about 16 inches long and it looks very Southwestern.

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