Monday, October 26, 2009


A few years ago I came across a tutorial
for a "Spliced Cane". I was intriqued with
the way each cane came out different. I like to make canes to have on hand and I use a lot of my left over clay for canes. I decided to try a Spliced Cane using Studio by Sculpey clay. The original instructions say you should cut the cane in 3 and put it together and then cut that in 2 pieces and put it together. The first part of the cane is done in a triangle. I like the one triangle all by itself. On the secret compartment key chain to the right I cut the triangles and laid them between each other and it formed this pattern. On the other one, I laid the triangles at an angle and then rolled it together. I like the way they both came out with the patterns. When it's warm, the Studio clay doesn't hold a
cane form very well but you can put it
in the refrigerator in between cuttings and it
works great.

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