Thursday, October 22, 2009

This is the new Polymer Clay Calendar created by Marjorie Oxman. It is beautiful. The pictures are stunning. Marjorie did a great job. I'm so thrilled to be part of this calendar. My Chunky Olive Bracelet is part of March. If you are a Polymer Clay Enthusiast, you have to have one of these calendars. The link below is where you can purchase the calendar. There are websites for all the contributors on the last page and if you would like to submit some work to Marjorie for the calendar next year, she has her email address and website in the calendar. These would make great gifts. My whole family and all my friends are going to get one.

I'm just getting back from a two week road trip to Wisconsin. We left Arizona at 10:00 am on Tuesday and it started raining when we got Amarillo, Texas and never stopped. We drove in torrential rain for 3 days. The first morning in Wisconsin it was 25 and the car windows were frosted over. I was not a happy camper. The next day it warmed up and started raining again. It was either cold or raining or cold and raining. I'm not a good passenger when it's raining. My husband kept asking if I brought any Valium with me. He got a cold and sore throat while we were so I can't say a good trip was had by all. We did what we had to do while there (family junk) and got out as soon as possible. The day we left it started raining again.

I'm so happy to be home and doing clay again. Going to put a lot of stuff on Etsy for Christmas.

I'm so glad to be back in Arizona. The weather is gorgeous now and I can go walking and golfing and biking.

Thanks for visiting and please buy one or ten of those calendars, they really are superb.

Clay on and on and on and on and on.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the calendar. It's always such a thrill to see our work in print.
