Tuesday, November 17, 2009


HELP ME, I'M STUCK IN A RUT.  I love making canes especially these lightning bolt canes and I love to sit and make beads but I get in a rut about putting stuff together.  Might be time for me to take the 400 beads that I've made, put them together and sell them on ETSY just as beads.  People love my beads, SO, I should quit making jewelry and just make beads.  Like I said, I love making canes and probably have 100 of them stored here.  Not sure what I want to do with them.  I did put these two items on ETSY today.  I like the green bracelet, fits me perfect.  OF COURSE IT DOES, I make everything for me. 

My studio is a mess right now.  I've been sanding and buffing beads for two weeks.  I should be out Christmas shopping or golfing or bowling or cleaning house (NOT) but I'm here buffing beads.  Where's my friend Rose when I need her?  She comes over and gets all my beads out and puts things together that I never would have thought of and it's like watching a little kid with Tonka toys but she is so good at it.  I think I better call Rose.  Have a nice night.

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