Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Isn't it amazing how things turn out when you least expect it.  I had a friend over last Friday and I have been teaching her polymer clay.  I showed her how to do the lightning cane, then we went on to a quilt cane.  I didn't really like mine because I put too much ecru in it.  So, I made a triangle out of the cane, rolled the top flat, cut it in half and put the two halves together.  Squished (I think that's a word) the cane into a square, sliced pieces and layed it on some clay that I put through the pasta machine with a texture piece.  I used a large teardrop cutter to cut out two beads from this.  There was a lot of black going through the bead which made it look like stone when it was sanded and polished.

I took this and two other beads that I made over to my friends house Sunday night where I go to watch Desperate Housewives every week.  It's actually my way of being able to spend time with Sissy.

This is Sissy, she belongs to my friend Pat.  Sissy is a Havanese and she's the sweetest, smartest, most lovable dog I've ever met.  As you can see, she let me put rollers in her hair in this picture.

This was Sissy when she was a baby.  Sissy has a valve problem that we are hoping will get better as she gets older.  She's had a major surgery already and came out of it just fine, we aren't sure if she will need more but she is so sweet.  She loves to kiss and play and play and play.

Anyway, I brought a little bag over to Pat's with my beads in it to show her.  When I got home, no bag, no beads.  Pat found the bag with Sissy's toys so apparently she took it out of my purse.  Haven't gotten it back yet but when I do, I'll take more pictures and maybe finish the bead.  I want to put a bail on it and either make a black ribbon necklace for it or do a beading necklace for it.

My husband said this bead looks like it has hidden flowers in it.  He sees things a little different than I do.

Right now I have to finish the wool scarf I'm making for the Cave Creek American Legion so I haven't had a lot of clay time.

Next week I'll be teaching polymer clay at the Craft Retreat in Glendale.  I know it will be fun, Susan Richardson who owns the place is a really sweet lady and has a wonderful store.  I'll let you know how that turns out.

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