Monday, December 28, 2009


Is she cute or what? She got her hair cut last night so she doesn't really need the barette anymore. She also has some new outfits that her aunt Susie bought her. I guess I'll have to crochet a jacket and scarf for her so she doesn't get cold.

Ok, this is my good friend Beau watching Bev feed Annie.  He's an awesome dog and sweet as can be.  He hasn't totally warmed up to Annie yet but I think he will.  I'm guessing he's going to be a great, big brother.  I'm waiting for more pictures of Annie with her hair cut and then I'll post them.

These two beads were made by my friend Judy who just got over having surgery and radiation for breast cancer.  She's doing great now and we hope it stays that way.  The bead on the left started out as a Casablanca bead.  You can find the instructions for that at  It was done by Desiree McCrory and they are beautiful no matter what colors you put together.  However, Judy never does things normal when it comes to clay.  She finds ways to put twists on things like she did with both of these beads.  The one on the right is actually translucent and she put a ton of colored leafing in it and streaks of black clay.  It really looks better in person.  This was the bead I got in the bead exchange at Christmas.  I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it so I wire wrapped it and I love the way it turned out.  Thank you Judy.

I just finished this today.  It's the first time I've done a double wrap.  These two beads came from the left overs when I made my Casablanca beads.  I made a black velvet cord necklace for it because it's a little heavier than normal but not bad.  Tomorrow I'm going to a luncheon for the woman who was the president of a craft club that I belong to here in Arizona.  She's a really sweet lady so some of her close friends decided to have a luncheon for her to show her how much we appreciated everything she has done in the past year.

Back to work, have some other gifts to make that didn't get done before Christmas so they will be New Year's presents.

Thanks for visiting my blog.  Check out Etsy and Polymer Clay Artist's Guild of Etsy.  When you go to the Etsy website, type in PCAGOE.  They are a very talented group and would really appreciate the support.

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