Friday, December 4, 2009

This week when I went to my beading club, a lady came in and walked over to me.  There were 20 other people there but she walked over to me.  She had this necklace in a little purse and asked if I could fix it.  I looked at the necklace and realized it was very old.  It was onyx and silver.  I told her I would rewire her necklace and put a clasp on it for her so she wouldn't keep putting it over her head and pulling on the wire.  When I asked her what her name was she spelled it for me C-L-A-R-I-C-E.  I almost fell off the chair.  Clarice was the name of my best friend's mom. Till I met Clarice Cotter, I never heard that name before.    Pat (Sissy's mom) and Clarice lived across the street from me for 7 years.  I got to know them both and Clarice Cotter (Pat's mom) was a hoot.  She had macular degeneration and diabetes but she had a heck of a sense of humor and loved to have Margharitas with me.  I learned how to give her shots and she would always tell Pat I was better at it than she was.  I always told Pat that she liked me better.  Anyway, I'm off on a tangent.  I just thought it was interesting that this woman would pick me out and her name was Clarice.  Pat's mom died a couple years ago and I miss her a lot.

This is the necklace the woman brought me and I'll publish a picture after I put it back together.

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