Monday, January 11, 2010


This is Sissy another one of my canine friends.  I don't know why her eyes are green but she is adorable.  She's a Havanese.  Some of my earlier posts have pictures of her when she was younger.  She loves to lick and love and she sucks the earring right out of my ears when I see her.  She is a sweetheart and makes us laugh all the time.

One of the latest pictures of Beau and Annie.  Beau is tolerating her now so she's a happy girl.  She went to the vet and she got a good bill of health, she just needs her teeth cleaned.  She sure turned out to be a great Christmas present.

Is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen?  My friend gave it to me for Christmas because I always say
"No matter how bad I'm golfing, it's better than being home cleaning toilets".  It has shells and all kinds of little pretties in it.  Too pretty to use.  It's now a decoration.

This is another one of the pieces from the spliced cane that I made.  This one I wire wrapped with bronze wire and put it on the peach colored ndebele necklace made with the 11-0 seed beads.  I put the green Swarovski Crystals on to bring up the green in the polymer clay cane.  I put this on Etsy yesterday.

This is one of my favorite focal beads.  I re-wire wrapped it.  The clay is gold, copper and pearl and it's a lentil swirl bead that was sanded and buffed and polished.  I've been looking for the rest of the cane that I made this with but I can't find it.  I have so much clay it's unbelievable.  I think I'll just sit for a couple days and make beads, it's very therapeutic.

This is the side view of a Casablanca bead made by one of the women in our guild.  I belong to the Arizona Polymer Clay Guild and we have a lot of very talented women.  She gave me this bead and I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it but since I'm on a wire wrapping frenzee right now I thought I would do this and it turned out great.

This is the front view of the bead.  Now I have to decide what I'm going to do as far as the necklace to go with it.

These are two turquoise beads that I purchased at the Goodyear Swap Meet this weekend.  I bought 12 beads and they were all the same shape but the markings were all different.  I purchased some real copper wire from a lady on Etsy and it's stiffer than the wire I was using but I really like it.  I have purchased wire made by Bead Smith and and I really like that.  I also bought some by another manufacturer that I got at Joann's and I don't like it.  The plating comes off much too easy. 

Well, tomorrow is golf so I better go get some zzzzzzzzzzzz's.  If I could get the cat off the desk it would be a lot easier to type.

1 comment:

  1. finished your piece. Absolutely beautiful! Hey, how about some wire wrapping classes?
