Saturday, February 13, 2010


Next Saturday the Arizona Polymer Clay Guild will be having their button exchange.  We had to make 4 sets of buttons for 15 people, since I can multiply a little I know that's 60 buttons.  Who in their right mind needs 60 buttons.  Apparently I do because I signed up to do the button exchange.  I wasn't going to post pictures of my buttons until after the exchange but I'm so tired of working on buttons, I don't even care anymore.  Some of my buttons glow in the dark,

Some of my buttons are reversible, some look like old wood, some look like cookies and some are just butterflies.  I made a set of buttons from a cane that I made and I loved the cane but didn't like the buttons when they were done.  I've been doing these buttons so long, I'm getting too critical.  I need to finish putting them on cards and put them away until next Saturday.

This is a picture of one set of my friend Judy's buttons.  She was smarter than I was.  She made 15 sets of different buttons so there is no question about which buttons to put together.  My friend Evelyn did the same thing and so did Rose.

Wickenburg Gold Rush Days

I'm moving on to another subject. 

Today we went to Wickenburg, AZ to see the parade which was very good.  After the parade we went to the Arts and Crafts area.  The first booth was a lady doing wire wrapping.  She was wrapping some dichroic pendants that were ok but nothing special.  I asked her some questions about her wire wrapping and her dichroic.  I asked her if she had ever done polymer clay.  In a very loud voice she said "I would never do that crap it's for 6 year olds and it looks like crap and any 6 year old can do that".  I just happen to have been wearing this:

I also had some polymer clay earrings and a bracelet on.  When she got done being stupid and loud, I told her I taught polymer clay and did wire wrapping.  Then she started yelling that she didn't have time to get into other things that she was really busy BLAH BLAH BLAH.  At that time my husband grabbed me by the back of the collar and dragged me away.  She apparently didn't want to sell anything.  It didn't matter, there were 60 other jewelry vendors out there anyway.

This is the Pink Breast Cancer Fire Truck. 

A group of fire fighters from Glendale, Arizona have been driving this pink fire truck across the country to raise awareness for breast cancer.

In the last month they've visited 22 states and over 7,000 breast cancer survivors have signed the truck.
They say their goal is to show support for women everywhere.

"We as men on this truck are funding this ourselves, we have no sponsors, we aren't affiliated with any organizations," said Dave Graybill, a firefighter from Glendale. "We're asking all men out there whether you have been affected by cancer or not to take a stand and support the women in your communities."

The firefighters are asking local fire departments to wear pink on October 25th, 26th and 27th and organize their own local fundraisers to support breast cancer.
October is breast cancer awareness month.

This was so neat, I hope they get a lot of funding and support where ever they go.

This was one of my favorite parts of the parade today.  Her name is Annabelle and she is a miniature cow.  She was adorable.  It was a great parade, lots of horses, kids, old women doing splits in the street????? and a lot of people cleaning up horse poop.  Some days that sounds like a good job.

If I ever get these buttons done, I'm going to start working on the pieces I made in Tory Hughe's class last weekend.  Can't wait to get my studio back.  Now I remember what it was like when I use to work in a cubicle except I didn't have a cat bothering me all the time and I wasn't so close to the refrigerator.  LOL.


  1. Love your post make me laugh, Bonnie. You buttons are beautiful...makes me wish I had participated in the blog! I can't wait to see them all.

  2. Gorgeous buttons Bonnie!

    That lady sounds obnoxious! It's too bad the ones that don't know what their talking about, often have the largest voices! :-)

  3. ROFL, Bonnie!!! I can so hear your voice saying everything you wrote about the buttons. They're gorgeous, too! Good work!

  4. Wow! Your buttons turned out great! Love all the shapes and colors!
