Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Tonight my blog is not about me or my polymer clay or my wire wrapping or my animals.  Tonight I want to blog about my friend Rose.  I've mentioned her before and told you what fun she is and how cute she is but I never really mentioned how talented she is or how giving she is.  I've know her for about 5 years and she never stops amazing me.  We belong to a beading club and when people need help, she's the first there to offer her help.  I've seen her work with people that I'm not sure I would of had the patience for.  Anyway, Rose has done some incredible polymer clay things in the past couple weeks and since she doesn't have a blog, I'm going to blog them for her.  Get ready to be amazed.

These pink and yellow beads are polymer clay.  She made them from Studio by Sculpey and they match the new sweater she bought.  This is so fun and well done.  She better make more, I know my sister is going to want one of these.  She sees things in stores and goes home and makes them.  I can't because I forget by the time I get home.

This beautiful bracelet was made with canes that Rose collected from all the clay days that we had together in the last 5 years.  Most of them are hers and some are mine and I'm not sure who else contributed but this is the piece that I think would look better on me. LOL

This is a necklace that she did with a Mokume Gane technique.  She really has a way of putting beads and baubles together.  I love this necklace.  It says "ROSE" all over it.

These two pictures are of beads that I made while my husband was recovering from open heart surgery.  I had just gotten a new bead roller and couldn't make much noise so I kept making beads.  I threw them in a box and left them sit for about a year.  One day Rose came over and found my beads.  I told her she could take them if she wanted them.  Next thing I know she's wearing these gorgeous necklaces, getting tons of compliments and SHE WON'T LET ME TOUCH THEM.  Can you believe that?  I would never have thought to throw them on a bed and put them together.  That's what she told me she did.  I don't know if that's true or not but I still haven't been able to handle them.

I mentioned after Christmas that a couple of us girls got together and had a bead exchange.  This is the one I got from Rose and I wear it very often.

This heart reminds of Rose, bright, shiny and VERY ROSE.

Thanks for being a great friend Rosie, I've enjoyed the last 5 years with you more than you will ever know.  Hope we have this much fun when we are in the nursing home together. LOL


  1. Beautiful, Rose!!!!!! I remember when she brought those necklaces she made out of your beads to clay guild the first time. That was hilarious. ^_^

    Next time anyone does a little exchange, let me know! I want in!

  2. I abolutely love Rose's colors. She always picks such vibrant colors. And she can make some beautiful pieces with your left-over beads. I agree...she is a sweetheart!

  3. What BEAUTIFUL pieces and what a beautiful friend you have in Rose. Great eye for colour and design. The colors are just so glorious and sparkling....kind of like I bet the two of your are once you get together! I especially like the Mokume Gane necklace. Here's to many more years of a wonderful friendship together and may each of your muses conspire to inspire each other.
