Friday, March 12, 2010


Today was a very special day for me.  My friends Judy, Rose and Evelyn came over for 6 hours and we played with clay.  We did take time for lunch but not much.  Evelyn made a shrimp salad, Judy brought the bread, Rose brought donuts and my husband made a buttermilk chess pie for us for desert.  I will probably have to borrow my husbands pants tomorrow after eating all that today.

Anyway,  I am lucky to have a big enough studio/office that four of us can fit into and do clay.  We like to share new techniques with each other.  Things that we've read about or seen on youtube.  We also share other things, like today, Rose ordered hollow acrylic rollers for all of us, Judy bought some brass stencil plates for us to use and Evelyn gave us all a package of texture sheets.  We usually meet at least once a month and everyone has an idea of what they would like to try.  Today, I showed them how to do what we call a Lynne cane.  They all came out different.  We also did another technique from a tutorial that I purchased from Rivervalley at  It's really fun. 

This is the piece that Judy made.

This was the raw clay it was made from.

This is the piece Evelyn made.

This is the raw clay it was made from.

This is the raw clay that Rose made and I forgot to take a picture of her finished piece.

These are my finished pieces that I did yesterday and again tryng to use the stamp pads to give things color.  Won't do that on baked clay again as you can see by the piece with the blue on it.


They told me today that I could post their pictures so here they are.

This is Judy, she just started doing clay about 8 months ago and she's hooked.  YIPEE.  As you can see from the photos above, Judy is quite talented.

This is Rose, she's sweet and cute and makes us laugh and she does great clay.

Last but not least is Evelyn.  She's our green and brown and gold girl.  She's also our cook and baker and people are in awe when they see her pendants.  Someone asked me yesterday what kind of stone she used when making a necklace and I told them it was "Polymer".  They were stunned.

OK, this has been a long blog, sorry, I'm still wound up and the funny thing is Booboo spent the whole day in the studio with us and he slept right through it.


  1. Lucky you to have some great and creative friends to get together and share clay time with. There are some great pieces!

  2. What a great group of congenial and creative friends and what beautiful pieces. A very sophisticated palette and textures. Wonderful friends, good food, cats and much better could it get?
