Friday, March 19, 2010


Last month our Arizona Polymer Clay Guild had a button exchange and I got 14 sets of buttons.  There were 4 buttons on each card and they were all beautiful and unique.  The people that didn't get in the exchange were sad :0( because they all loved the buttons and wanted them.  I debated what to do with the buttons.  In a previous post I showed a picture of a bag that I had made for my mother that she didn't use so I took it back (Indian Giver).  I finally decided that I wanted those beautiful buttons on my bag and I couldn't decided how to do it.  Sitting on my table was a roll of 20 gauge copper wire that I got from A Beaded Affair (love this stuff)   I thought I would do a little wire wrapping on the beads with the copper and I love it.  I knew trying to sew them would be a royal pain since I hate hand sewing unless I'm beading.  I tried gluing some of the buttons on first but didn't care for that and they didn't stick very well.
Here are front and back pictures of my bag with the buttons.  If you click on the pictures you can get a close up of the buttons.

I used colored wire on some of the buttons but mostly I used the copper wire.  This way I can change the buttons if I want to.

The city I live in is a retirement community and they are having a craft fair tomorrow.  We have a Village Store that sells items made by the people who live in the community and belong to the clubs.  We have a silver club, a beading club, 2 clay clubs, wordworking club, metal club, knit and crochet club, leather engraving club and the list is endless.  We also have 7 golf courses, 5 swimming pools, tennis courts, pickleball courts, walking tracks, 4 work out facilities and this list goes on.  It's really a wonderful place to live and it's hard to decide what to do when there's so many things to do.

I started making golf stroke counters as gifts for friends.  I make polymer clay beads and mix them with other beads.  People started asking at the Village Store for them so now I make them and sell them there.  I put 5 in the store this week and made more to put in after the craft sale.  Here's my new ones.

Looking forward to the Clay Guild meeting tomorrow.  One of my favorite people is doing two demos and I'm sure they are going to be great.


  1. Thanks so much for the mention. Love the golf stroke counters. Your community sounds fabulous. What a great place to live with so many clubs and things to do. Wonder if I could get hubby to move?

  2. Your use of the buttons on your bag via wire wrapping is both SO creative and really the perfect way to use and attach them. KUDOS! Golf counters are a brilliant idea and sounds like it's really caught on. They're very pretty , too.
