Monday, March 29, 2010


Sister is still here and running me ragged.  Went to the Arizona Opry in Mesa Saturday.  If you get a chance to go, it's awesome.  $29 for a very nice lunch and a two hour show.  The show was great.  Friday we spent the day in Wickenburg shopping with friends.  Sunday we went to the pool, walking and to a friends for a barbeque, today it's walking, pool, and off to Westgate to ride the bull at the Saddle Back Ranch Restaurant. LOL.  Me and bulls don't get along so it won't be me riding that bull.

In between we've had a little craft time.  I'm teaching her how to wire wrap  (she's hit me with the wire 3 times and she only gets one more chance and then I punch her) while I do my golf stroke counters.  She found a box of polymer clay pieces that I was experimenting with and decided she wanted some so I converted them to pendants for her.

Her wire wrapping is getting better, here's some pictures:

I did the one on the left and she did the one on the right.


Here are a few more golf stroke counters that I finished that are going to Illinois:

The bottom set is made from the beads I published in an earlier post from the extruded cane beads.  Didn't think I would like the orange and red together but they look good and are very cheery.


Hey ladies, do you have those flapping arm wings?  When you wave goodbye is the skin under your arm still waving even when you quit?  Ha ha ha.

Sister and I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and I bought this WEIGHT SHAKE thing.  It's suppose to firm up your flabby arms.  So far all it's done is give me a headache and scare the cat.  It's fun and I can feel it.  I'll let you if it works.

You hold it in both hands and shake it up and down and all your fat moves at one time.  WHOOHOO


This is the piece Susie decided she wanted so we put a bail on it and off it goes to Illinois with all the wire wrapped forks, some of my beads, lots of wire and 10 bracelets I made her.


This is my girl Sissy.  I asked her to get up on the chair and told her to look at me so I could take her picture and she did exactly what I told her to.  She's so smart and so much fun.  Her mom gets mad because I tie her ears together but she doesn't care.  LOL

Sister needs me to help her with her wire wrapping.  ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ 

1 comment:

  1. Preciosos y originales tenedores¡¡¡
    Porque eres una auténtica, te he dejado un premio en mi blog.
