Thursday, April 22, 2010


Annie lost her three week battle with the uterine infection and kidney failure.  She died yesterday and was buried today.  I have not stopped crying since I found out.  My heart is broken not only for Annie but for Beau and Bev and Rex.  She stole their hearts in the 4 short months she was with them.  I feel helpless.  She was so little and so mighty.  I'm so glad she had those wonderful people to love her even if it was for a small part of her life.  I thought maybe blogging about this would help the pain but it's only making it worse.


If you have an animal, please take care of it.  Have them neutered and spayed because it could save their lives.  An animal will give you unconditional love for as long as they live, never take you for granted, won't try to make you feel guilty for something stupid and will never let you go to the bathroom alone.


  1. Love you will be our hearts forever, sweetie. You are bound for a better place, where you can roam with the angels! I can't wait to meet up with you someday!

  2. (((Bonnie))) So sorry to ready that Annie is not longer down here with us. Please accept my condolences. She certainly was a fur earth angel and captured so many hearts. She was very lucky to her Auntie Bonnie in her life.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss Bonnie. :-( I know you loved Annie very much and that she will be missed. My heart goes out to you and your family. ~Cindy

  4. So sorry about Annie's passing. She really was dearly loved. She is little Angel Annie now and knows how much all of you loved her and will always be in your hearts.

  5. Thanks everyone for your kind words about our Angel Annie. I talked to my friend who went home to Illinois from Arizona last Friday. She was devastated. Her 37 year old son died in January and she was an Annie lover too, this has been especially hard for her. We both thought Annie was going to make it through this. We all prayed for her. She had 4 wonderful months with people who loved her, I still don't understand why this happened to such a sweet little girl. I've always been a sucker for animals and this one really owned my heart. Annie, I'm glad you are no longer in pain but I miss you terribly.

    Thanks again for your kind words everyone. I've conveyed your messages to Rex and Bev.

  6. My condolences to you and to all of Annie's family. Those four months were, without a doubt, the best four months of her life.

  7. So sorry about Annie, I know how hard it is to lose someone you love. But life was better because she came to live with you, it always is.

  8. Oh, Bonnie, I'm so sorry. I've been following Annie's story and now I'm so sad to learn she's lost her fight.

    You gave her a wonderful, peaceful last few months, filled with the love she desperately needed.


  9. I'm so very sorry, Bonnie. I just read about Annie, and she was such a sweet little doggie! I'm praying for you, and that adorable little girl...
