Friday, April 2, 2010


These are the latest ones that I did.  One I did with all polymer clay beads and the rest I put in the beads that I bought at Michael's.  Sometimes the holes in those are too big and they don't stay up so I put a little glue in them or wrap wire around them.  The beads must not fall by themselves or the counter won't be any good.

Girls (ladies) if you click on the picture it will show you a close up.  The beads on the far right have wire wrapping on them to make sure they stay up when the bead under them is pulled down.  You can see the new swivel lobster claws I put on them from the url I mentioned in our conversation from El at Tantalizing Stitches at  She ships fast and 5% of your purchase is donated to animal charity and you know how I feel about animals.  Thanks El for that.

This is the Amy 2mm Macrame cord that I told you about.  You could probably use others but I like this.  I usually cut about 16 to 18 inches sometimes less and use that for the counter.

These are the two drills I use for the beads.  On the left is 5/64ths and the right is 1/8th which is the perfect size for the Amy cord.  Don't start your hole with the 1/8th right away.  Work your way up or the bead will crack.  Save all the little shavings and roll them into some translucent clay for a wild effect.
Let me know if you need anything else.  Maybe you two should come to Arizona and we can have a clay weekend.


I belong to a club here in Sun City West that does a lot of charity work.  A couple months ago the Cave Creek, Arizona American Legion adopted a batalion that is over in Iraq.  They asked if someone could make them scarves and hats because it does get cold in the desert over there.  Our club volunteered to do this.  So far, I've made 4 scarves and 3 hats.  They are only allowed to have pure wool and the scarves have to be 12 inches wide and 42 inches long so they can be tucked into their pants.  They have to be pure wool in case of fire.  Wool does not burn the skin.  I started this scarf this morning.  It's suppose to be single crochet which is very boring and takes forever but we found out we could do a double crochet every few rows.  Now I've finished almost a foot in the small amount of time that I've been working on this and I still only have 4 inches of the bead crochet I've been working on.  GO FIGURE.

It looks pretty boring but if it keeps one of our people in Iraq warm I'll make 100 more.  This yarn is pricey.  We have been able to use Joann and Michael's coupons to buy it which helps a lot.  I bought some at Hobby Lobby but could only use one coupon.  When we send this back, the paper work from the yarn has to be wrapped around the scarf.  That's how important it is to them to make sure it's wool.


My friend Lupe from won another giveaway.  I think this is number 4 or 5 just in the last month.  Please go to her blog and see the latest pieces that she has done, they are gorgeous.  Talk her into giving away some of her pieces but she needs to give them to me LOL./

If I don't blog again, have a Happy Easter and eat lots of jelly beans.


  1. Thanks for posting the info on your golf counters...definitely want to make a few for my friends that play golf. Thanks for posting my link on your are too sweet. God bless you for all you do for the vets...wish I could crochet. Have a great Easter, my friend! I am headed to the Bead Museum tomorrow to help kids make some has been awhile since I volunteered for that!

  2. Bonnie, every time I come to your site I feast on eye candy and learn interesting things. Thanks! Golf counting bracelets are so much fun besides being VERY nice to look at and the wire wrapping is a smart solution to the too big holes. The swivel lobster claws look great, as do many of their other products. I was thrilled to see your mention of macramé cording. I've never lived near a Hobby Lobby and didn't know that it was available other than mail order. Went to Lupe's site and especially enjoy her butterflies. I'm in a butterfly mood myself this month.

    If you celebrate Easter sending you wishes for a Happy Easter.

  3. Thank you so much for all the information you put together for us on the golf-stroke counters. You must be a wonderful teacher! If only you, Carolyn, and I could get together to play with clay. That would be heaven!

    Can you give me more information about the scarves and hats for the troops? Can they be knitted instead of crocheted? How many skeins of yarn does one scarf take? What colors can be used? Where can the finished scarves be sent?

    Linda K.

  4. Thanks for the great support and I love all your comments. Keep em coming.

    You all have beautiful blogs. Wish we could all get together to do clay. How fun would that be?
