Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Well, you'll never guess what I've been doing in my studio?  SHIMMERING BATIK AND MORE SHIMMERING BATIK.  I'M OBSESSED.  SOMEONE STOP ME.

Since I bought this tutorial I have done nearly, and I say nearly, nothing else as far as polymer clay.  I usually make 200 to 300 beads in a week that I use to make my golf stroke counters and now I have no beads but I sure have a lot of Shimmering Batik pieces.  I sold a few before they were even finished.  I've used 2 bottles of Magic-Glos and I will need a 10 gallon drum at this rate.  Tonight I'm making beads and who knows what wonderful piece of art tomorrow will bring.

My silver experiment.

My multi-color experiment

My green and purple experiment.

My red experiment with a pair of earrings I made for myself.

My first white and gold experiment.  The toggle is gold plated and is a magnet.  Easy for people to get on and off and pretty enough to wear next to the focal bead.

This is pearl clay, with layers of cane from a Jana Roberts Benzon class that I took two years ago.  They do have Magic-Glos on them and need a couple more coats.  Not sure what I'm going to do with them.


The lemon meringue pie I made for Easter dessert from lemons from our tree.  It was awesome.

A girls got to eat to keep up her strength to roll beads you know.



  1. Love all your pieces, Bonnie...especially your red butterfly earrings! Talking about earrings...I have to start making mine for the swap. Your pie looks it was mighty tasty!

  2. WHOA!!!! I love this! Especially the green and purple ones. This is a truly amazing technique. Where did you buy the tutorial?

  3. they look great, I might have to check out that tutorial myself at some point (I have a very large polymer clay to do/must try pile to work through as I am sure most of us do)

    I love those red butterfly earrings - very cute.

    Pie made with your own lemons - that's cool.

  4. Bonnie, Your bright and beautiful shimmering pieces are just gorgeous! I especially like the multi-coloured one. Pie is pretty gorgeous, too, but in a different way!

  5. These are really pretty. A great technique.

  6. Your beads turned out gorgeous! I bought Tina's tutorial but haven't had time to experiment with it yet -- looks like a lot of fun though and love the results!

    Your pie looks yummy as well! Now I'm craving lemon pie!
