Thursday, May 20, 2010


Let's start with the EARRING SWAP.  My clay guild had a swap and we wanted to do earrings but didn't want them finished so that people could decide if they wanted post or French wires or clip ons and everyone could finish them however they wanted.  Some of our members don't wear earrings so they could make bracelets or pendants or keep them in the bag and just look at them, tee hee hee.

I'm having a little camera trouble so I put both pictures up so you can see all the beautiful pieces.  I need to get my photo set up out and up soon so I can take some decent pictures.


At our last clay guild meeting we had a demo on how to make pendants with Rivolis, I would have been better off making ravioli's.  I'm not even putting a picture of the one I made at guild on the blog.  I showed it to my husband and he said he thought it weighed 6 pounds so we won't put a picture of that on here.  BUT, I came home and decided to make a couple more but not with the rolled bail.  I used some old clay canes that I had and I love the results.

The pendant on the left has a black Rivoli in that's hard to see.  The one on the right has a peach colored Rivoli and two small, peach colored Swarovski flatbacks.  This clay combination was a mix left from last September from our retreat in Prescott.  I took scraps from people and combined them.


Had a request for more golf stroke counters and sold the ones I had that I was going to send to my sister.  Her golf league girls keep buying them for gifts for all their friends.  I made some canes out of leftover clay and did some extruder canes and put them together.  I also put some wood beads between the clay beads, the wood beads are really nice and quite a bit cheaper than the metal ones I was using.

I thought I had a lot of beads made for the counters but I think Rose took them to make necklaces. LOL.


I've made many flower canes but they never looked like I wanted them to.  I was playing around with some left over clay tonight, had an idea I wanted to try and was very happy with the outcome.  I also used the Lynne Schwarzenberg method of reducing so I didn't loose much cane.  It didn't take long and it was really easy.  Going to try again this weekend with different colors and a couple different ideas.

Picture isn't very good but the flower is cute and kept it's shape.  YEAH!!!!!!!


This blog wouldn't be complete without a picture of one my favorite guys.  Booboo sleeping in his bed next to my work table in my studio.  If I'm there, he's there.  He will be 19 on Halloween this year.  Those are his rubber balls laying by him in the bed.  He carrys them around in his mouth and sings.  I picked them up and put them in his bed while he was sleeping and he never woke up.  He brings me a ball and I throw it and he goes and gets it.  My friends think he is part dog.  I wash those balls all the time but they never stay clean.  He still likes to eat toilet paper.  He did that when he was a baby and still does.

Goodnight Annie, you are a bright and shining star and we still miss you.


  1. Ok you big show off, your Rivoli pendants are beautiful. I love the colors. I am breathlessly waiting to see what you are making with your flower cane.

  2. What a cute picture of BooBoo. Amazing that he will be 19 in October. You must be one happy cat. Just keeps cranking out those great photo ops. Gold counters are so pretty it's no wonder they sell so well. How cool the Ravioli pendants look! KUDOS on the flower cane. That's quite an accomplishment that it's cute and kept it's shape. BRAVA!
    Canes so rarely seem to do that.

    Thanks for the update on the length of your new copper/Herringbone rope necklace. Sounds like it's going to be a neat one. Hope we'll be seeing photos of it soon.

  3. ¡Preciosa la flor de caña!
    Colores vivos¡¡¡
