Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I don't usually blog two days in a row but I'm so excited.  I have been teaching myself to bead crochet as you know from previous posts. I was bound and determined to do this no matter how much swearing was involved. Well, I'm proud to say I finished it today but not without trouble. I had it all done and attached a beautiful magnetic clasp to it only to find out that the magnet side of the clasp quit working after 4 openings. I got mad, cut it off and glued the ends so it wouldn't come apart without thinking about the fact that the needle wouldn't go through the glue when it dried. I really would have liked bigger end caps but didn't feel like running out so I used what I had and the beginning end where the trouble was is a little off kilter but not so much that an untrained eye would know. My next one will be perfect (LOL).

I love these colors and I'll have to make something to hang on it.  What I like about the crocheted rope is how slinky it is compared to doing peyote in the round or Herringbone.


I love making beads with Studio by Sculpey clay.  It feels like suede.  I had some leftover clay and made extruded flowers but cut them different than normal and with the other clay I made a spliced cane and made some beads.  Not sure what I'm going to do with them yet.  Maybe some golf stroke counters for Etsy.

The flower ones have a little shine because they have a little Premo pearl in them.  Studio clay does not shine after it's sanded unless you put Future or Varathane on it.  I like it just the way it is.


I made quite a few batches of Tina Holdens "Shimmering Batik" beads and pendants with her new tutorial.  You can find it on her website at http://beadcomber.blogspot.com/ or a place on her website where she will tell you that you can find it.  I had quite a bit of leftover pieces and couldn't decide what I wanted to do with the clay.  I did what I always do, make swirly, lentil beads.  I thought these came out quite nice.  Will probably put a hole in them and do some wire wrapping.

These have been sanded and buffed starting at 320 and working up to 3000.  I've heard and read that a lot of clay artists only do 400 and 600 and leave it at that.  I hate sanding.  I use my tumbler as much as I can.


Sun City West is hosting a senior bowling tournament here the end of May.  All clubs have been asked to donate something to their silent auction.  I offered to make something from our beading club and what better than an American Flag bracelet.  Most of the people bowling in this tournanment have been through 4 or 5 wars and most of them are vets.  I thought this was pretty appropriate.

Well, off to a romantic dinner at McDonalds and back to making earrings for the guild swap.


  1. WOW, you have been busy. BRAVA for mastering lovely bead crocheting. GORGEOUS lentils don't look like leftovers at all. They are have morphed beautifully. Love the sparkle. They float and flow. Cool beaded flag bracelet!

  2. Lo siento mucho !!!.Sé lo dificil que es perder tu perrito Annie que amas.
    Yo tambien tengo un perro que amo mucho, siempre le doy mucho cariño

    las cuentas de colores son preciosas !!!!

  3. You have been busy..How wonderful..and your creations are all so lovely.I have to admit that your crochet necklace is amazing..really wow,its stunning!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  4. Congratulations on finishing your bead crochet. That is one thing I have attempted and seem to be all thumbs. Turned out lovely. The flag bracelet is really cool as well as your lentil swirls!

  5. I've tried several times -- still unsuccessfully -- to learn to bead crochet. The crochet hook is now resting in a drawer until I decide to try it again! Yours is fabulous and I love the colors!

  6. I am very impressed with all your creations! Great work. Well done for mastering the bead crochet!
