Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Last Saturday at our clay guild meeting one of our ladies did a demo on Viking Knit.  Like I needed to learn something new and buy more toys.  OH YES I DO!!!!!  It didn't take.  I could not get it going Saturday and I was frustrated.  I think the dowel I was using was too little.  Went to Ace and bought two new dowels.  3/16th's and 5/8ths.  Today I pulled out the instructions and started over and by cracky (as Grandma Kettle used to say) I got it.  I used some crappy wire and it was 24 gauge instead of 28 which was much easier because it didn't kink so much.  When I got home my new Drawplate that I ordered from the Soft Flex company was there so I could pull the chain I made through it.  I'M SO HAPPY.  Doesn't take much to entertain me!!!

My new Drawplate, dowel and my first piece of Viking Knit.  Now I'm going to try with good wire.


I've had 3 migraines this week.  Monday's was a killer.  Couldn't move.  We still don't know what causes them but I am chemical sensitive.  Can't be around perfume or aftershave but Pinesol doesn't bother me.   Go Figure.

Anyway, when I have headaches I like to do clay because it relaxes me.  I like taking old canes and making beads, just plain round beads.  I do use a lot of them when I make golf stroke counters.  This is just a small amount of the MIGRAINE BALLS I made this week.  Some are buffed and all have been in the tumbler.  I'm having tumbler problems this week but I did get 90 beads done.

My girlfriend said her migraines stopped after she had a baby.  I told her I'm too old for that and would forget where I put it.


Some of my friends are doing beautiful polymer clay pieces.  I wanted to show case them since a couple of them don't blog or sell on Etsy.

The first one is Lupe of  She makes beautiful pendants,  please visit her Etsy shop she has a big sale going on now.

These pictures don't do her pendants justice.  I think I need a new camera.

The second one I'm highlighting is Evelyn.  You've probably heard me talk about Evelyn. She's a sweetheart.  She has wet macular degeneration and has trouble seeing but she does awesome polymer clay work.  At the May guild meeting we made Christi Friesen pendants and Evelyn went bonkers.  I love these.  If you want to buy one, contact me.

Click on the picture if you want to see them up close.

The next is Rose, she's my bright, cheerful and any color goes girl.  Isn't this bracelet gorgeous?  Love those pendants too.  Rose does gorgeous bead work and loves to help and teach other people.  


I did a couple things week besides make migraine balls.  I bought the Barbara McGuire tutorial DVD called Shimmering Gold Mokume Gane  It's 30 minutes long and comes with pictures and written instructions.  I put some pictures on the blog the other day of pieces I did before baking, sanding and buffing.  I love this technique, it never turns out the same.  I wore this neck piece and earrings today and everyone loved them.  Guess I better get back to the buffer and get some more done.  Thanks Barbara.

I think a new camera is in order.  Please let me know which one I should get.  This one's ok for traveling because it's small but not good for this kind of picture taking.

I know there are a bunch of you who take beautiful pictures for Etsy and your blog.  Help me.


  1. Thanks for including me in your post, Bonnie! I am famous! I really love your Shimmer Mokume gane creations! I have to order that DVD.

  2. Sorry about the migranes. I have the same problems as you re camera. I just don't know what to get. Love that pendant and earrings.

  3. LOVE the mokume gane pendants! I'll have to check out the video. As for the camera, I killed mine a couple of weeks ago - was setting it up on a tripod to take step-by-step pictures for a tutorial. Phone rang, I tripped over the tripod and my camera wound up in 3 pieces! After attempting to repair without any luck, I broke down and bought a new one. I got a Canon Powershot and love it!
