Saturday, July 10, 2010


I'm going to start with the cabochon.  This was a piece from the Shimmering Batik that I did but I added some glitter to this batch.  I cut out some pieces and wasn't sure what I was going to do with them.  I decided I wanted this piece to be a beaded cabochon.  I just finished it and my eyes are about done for.  This is only my 3rd beaded cab.  I love doing it and I wish my camera would break so I could get a new one and take better pictures.  Maybe if I accidentally drop it on the floor.  LOL.  I need help.  I can't decide what to put it on.  I had it on wire, didn't like that, had it on satin, didn't like that, someone please tell me what this would look good on.  The beads are actually a brass color.  Maybe tomorrow I'll take a picture of it outside where it is now 114 degrees.


I made a new friend who is just starting into polymer clay.  Her name is Lorrie and she does beautiful glasswork.  We had that in common as I used to do glass engraving until polymer clay and beading took over my life.  Anyway, Lorrie just set up a blog and she has pictures of her beautiful glass on her blog.  I have her blog on my list of blogs I follow so you can go to her blog from there but I wanted you to see some of her glass work. so just click on here.  I was going to post a picture of her glass but I can't get a good copy.


I finally finished some pieces that I did.  Have about 1000 more sitting here waiting to be something.

Swirly lentil bead earrings made with the black and white flower cane and some leftover yellow clay.

Left over clay from one of the Shimmering Batik pieces.  I love making swirly lentil beads.  I go to Barb Farjardo's blog quite often just to look at her beautiful beads and she has a great tutorial there too.

This is a Natasha bead made with the leftover clay that was on my work table before I put it all away to start beading that cabochon.  This looks to me like a Santa Claus with a yellow beard.  There are cats eye on the back of it.

I've sanded and buffed this bead till I'm blue in the face and now I don't know what I want to do with it.  It's about 3 inches long and weighs about 20 pounds.


I won't be blogging for 3 weeks after next Saturday.  I'm leaving for a week in Wisconsin and 2 weeks in Illinois to visit my sister and mother.  We are going to Branson for a week and then to the beautiful lakes in Wisconsin again.  Hope the mosquitoes are gone before I get there.  Anyway, I started beading some bracelets to give as gifts to my friends at home.  I should of had 10 done by now but I'm a little behind.  Here are the first two.

The picture on the right is the back of the second picture.  Guess they can be worn either way.

I am going to throw that camera on the floor.  It used to take good pictures but now it has a mind of it's own.  I'm sure it couldn't be operator error could it????????????????????????


  1. That cab is absolutely gorgeous, nice job!


  2. Bonnie, that cab is gorgeous! What depth you've gotten in the cab and your beading looks wonderful. I would probably do a simple beaded strand to hang it on, using the same beads...I think it would look very rich. Maybe use two strands for strength and texture. String 5 to 10 beads on each strand, then run both strands through a single bead. Then string 5 to 10 beads on each strand again. Keep repeating. Does that make sense?

    Have a wonderful trip.

    Linda K.

  3. GORGEOUS beaded cabochon and I'll best it's even more shimmering in person. you are prolific with wonderful beading skills and wire skills. You are one versatile artist. Lucky are the recipients of your delicate beaded bracelet "gifts for the trip". I'll check out Lorrie's site when I get a chance. Thanks for posting it.

  4. You did an awesome job with the beaded cab! Love it! Also like the beaded bracelets. I agree with Linda...a simple beaded strand would look great with a little green to tie in with your cab. Have fun on your trip. Will see you at the guild this Saturday, right? Bring your creations...they are beautiful!

  5. Preciosas las piezas con la técnica Natasha. ¡Bellos colores!

  6. I love your pendant with the curly wire wrapping. I wish I could wire wrap like that. It's so beautiful. And your seed bead work is awesome too. I love the beaded bezel. the cab is awesome too.

    have a great trip.

  7. I love the hearts with the tilted tip. They look stunning! The resin makes them look like glass. Did you use paint too besides inks?
