Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Tomorrow is ANOTHER Christmas luncheon.  Our golf league is going to an "assisted living" place for our golf lunch.  Now that may sound peculiar and last year when I went I was anticipating a really bad lunch in a crummy place with a bunch of elderly people.  Well let me tell you what a surprise I had.  It was like walking into a "Winter Wonderland".  The place was decorated like the Ritz Carlton and we had the restaurant all to ourselves.  I was trying to find a picture of the place that I took without people in it but I didn't have one.  I'll take some tomorrow and post them.  Anyway, the food was incredible.  It was like eating in a 5 star restaurant.  The chef came out to make sure our meals were ok and to see if we needed anything.  I've never been to a luncheon where the food and service was that great.  I'm looking forward to lunch tomorrow.

I offered to make something as a door prize.  I had a pendant that I decided to make a necklace for and after I got the necklace made, I decided I didn't like the pendant so I hustled and made another pendant.

The necklace is done in Herringbone with silver size 11 seed beads.  Every inch I added some auora borealis Czech beads and some size 11 red seed beads.  The original pendant had a little red in it.  This pendant was done in silver metalic and has 2 layers of UV resin on.  In person you can see the mica shift in it but it didn't show up as well in the picture.  I'm sure who ever wins it will love it, I'm having a hard time parting with it.


I received a new book from Amazon yesterday.  It's called "Making Jewlery from Polymer Clay" by Sophie Arzalier.  I saw it on the International Polymer Clay Guild's letter and it looked interesting when I checked it out at Amazon.  I'm really impressed.  The photograhs and directions are really great.  She covers basic techniques, effects using textures, canes, Mokume Gane, etc.  I would definitely recommend this book to new clayers and advanced clayers.  I collect books, especially polymer clay and beading books.  Since I started teaching polymer clay, I spend at least 2 hours a day reading and researching information about polymer clay (actually I'm just obsessed).  Sometimes it's more than 2 hours.  I thought I had seen or read about almost all techniques and different ways of doing clay.  This book has a few things I haven't seen before.  I think I'm going to order a few more copies and give them as gifts.


This Friday is our BFF party here.  We are going to do clay and have a nice lunch and exchange handmade gifts.  Booboo loves it when the girls come over.  They pay a lot of attention to him and he gets petted a lot.

Who wouldn't love this adorable little yarn holder? LOL

1 comment:

  1. Your Mica Shift Necklace is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your review on a new book...will have to check it out!
