Wednesday, March 9, 2011


My friend Lynn Reno of Desert Rubble has been making the cutest polymer fishes.  I had to have one and was so happy when it came in the mail.  She does such neat STUFF and she's a very sharing person.  I hope you go check out her Artfire store.

I feed him every day and now he's a happy guy and has a good home.


I still have some cane left from the Hawaiian Snow Tire beads that I made so I made some beads and put them in the tumbler.  They had a little green and yellow coloring when they came out.  I usually do everything pretty symetrical and I decided to change my ways.

It reminds me of my sister.  Maybe I'll send it to her.

Finished two more golf stroke counters for our village store.

Taking Booboo to the vet this morning.  He's not doing very good.  Keep your fingers crossed.  He has a tumor on his side and I'm hoping this is what's causing him to not eat.
He's my best buddy.


  1. =) thanks for showing my fishie! I'm just sp glad you like him Bonnie. BooBoo is so darned cute!
