Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Last December I blogged about a little dog that was found in the desert and brought to my friends who already had two dogs.  They named her Angel and she truly was.  She was 5 pounds of dynamite and love.  She actually stole the hearts of everyone she met.

Sunday she managed to get out without anyone seeing her.  She wasn't gone long when they discovered her missing.  They watched her constantly because she was so spunky and liked to run.  Unfortunately, the search for Angel ended badly.  Her body was found early Monday morning.

Now Angel is with Annie in heaven and there will be another bright star shining down to watch over us.

Goodbye Angel, we all loved you.  You brought a lot of smiles and laughs to our lives the short time you were here.  Rest in peace sweet little girl.


  1. Oh geeze Bonnie, that's terrible, I'm so sorry to ear that....gotta go give my Boozer a big ole hug =(

  2. Bonnie, this is heartbreaking. First Annie, now Angel. So sad.
