Sunday, April 3, 2011


So, I've been claying and playing.  Right now I'm glad my relatives don't look at my blog.  I just finished making the pens for the pen exchange our guild is having but they are a secret so I'll wait and post the picture either the day before or day after.  I've been making canes so that I can make 43 pens for my sister for a wedding shower.  My nephew is getting married and my sister is having a shower.  I'm going to surprise her and send 43 gift items for the people that are at the shower.  I love making pens and she said she didn't care what I made as long as it was springy.  Here are the first of the pens.  Not finished yet.

As you can see there is a little eye hook in the top.  When I get one all done I'll post it so you can see what the eye hook is for.  I am making hearts that say LOVE 9-17-2011 on the back and these will be attached to the pen along with a special finishing touch.  Here are the hearts.  They need finishing also and I only need to make 38 more, YIKES.
I wanted to put their names on them but it was too long and I just wanted little hearts.  I'm going to spray these with PYMII to protect them.

This is a cane that I just finished to use on the pens along with some flower canes I'm going to make tomorrow.  The center got a little off but so is mine.  Ha ha ha

This is a Pandora bracelet I'm making for my sister.  The beads are polymer clay made from the same cane I made the golf stroke counters from.  I need to get some bigger holed, crystal spacer beads for in between.  I bought the Pandora bracelet at Joann's.  It's a size 7.  My sister has a size 6 wrist but you have to remember if you are making a bracelet with big beads you have to have a blank a size larger.

These are beaded spools.  I'm making a necklace that calls for beaded spools.  I have a long way to go.  I think I need 12 more.  You have to paint the spools and varnish them before you make the necklace.  Thank goodness my friend Rose likes to do this.  Rose, Judy and I took a class and Rose was kind enough to paint and varnish all the spools for us.

Now you know why I haven't posted in a while.  WHEW.    Have to fit bowling, golf, playing with the cat, laundry, ironing, etc. into all that.  I don't cook, my husband eats cereal for dinner.  I mess up the kitchen when I cook and he does the dishes so he doesn't care if I cook.  Tee hee hee.


  1. You've been a busy lady! Love ALL of your creations, Bonnie! Your pens are beautiful and those beaded spools are awesome! I on the other hand get interrupted in what I am doing...hopefully, I will get something done!

  2. lol on the cane being yours! It is gorgeous =) Your sister is so going to love that bracelet, it's so beautiful! All the purples here that you used are eally wonderful =)

  3. Bonnie, those pens and Pandora beads are beautiful. I hear you on being so busy! I've been working on a fundraiser lately, along with all my other stuff, so my husband has been eating cereal for dinner some nights, too. I thought only kids did that. :)
