Friday, June 17, 2011


Tomorrow is our monthly clay guild meeting and we are doing a book mark swap.  Somepeople are doing those big paper clips but I decided to "dance to my own tune".  I bought some metal bookmarks and made birdhouses to put on them.

There are only 8 of us in the swap this time so I decided to make my own little bags to put the bookmarks in.   I bought some beautiful paper in the scrap booking section at Wal-Mart for $5.00 for 50 sheets.  It worked great.  I had some but it was too heavy.

This paper worked great and I made labels with my name on them and a picture of Booboo sitting in a box.  These are easy to make and look better than a plastic bag.


Every month we have a different theme for our Beads of Courage collections.  This month it's "Everything Girls".  I didn't have a lot of time because I was working on the bookmarks and the things for the goody bags for our Prescott retreat and Jane's earrings.  I did get a couple  beads done.

The roses and the butterflies are made with Penni Jo Couch's molds, which I love.  Next month is anything boys and sports.  That should be interesting.  Got any ideas, let me know.

Hey Booboo, today at Wal-Mart a lady tried to give me a coupon for free cat food.  I told her you were probably eating fresh caught fish and bonbons now.  She gave me a funny look.  I couldn't tell her you liked TV dinners, she would have thought I was nuts.

1 comment:

  1. Such fun birdhouse bookmarks! I like that your pieces always seem to have something special and unexpected on them or in the design, sort of icing on the cake, so to speak, and your birdhouses are no exception. Not sure if those are seed beads you added, or tiny holeless beads, but sure like the effect. Lovely Beads of Courage, too. You've taken PenniJo's molds and beautifully incorporated them into such sweet beads. I especially like the way the sculpted detail pops on the pink ones and the perfect addition (subtraction?) of the Kemper heart cut example of another of those creative and unexpected "Bonnie touches".
