Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Mailed the earrings and coral necklace this morning so now I can get back to claying.  Yippeeeeeeeeeee


My husband and I go to breakfast every Sunday morning at the same restaurant.  We see the same people in there every Sunday.  One of the ladies is a member of my golf league.  We usually chat for a couple minutes.  Last year on the 4th of July I was wearing my beaded flag bracelet and she raved about it so I gave it to her.  Last Sunday she handed me a little bag with two wrapped items in it.

She knew I love cats and she knew I lost Booboo.  These are refrigerator magnets.  The wood one on the right looks like it had been inlaid.  The metal one on the left has Boo's smile.


Finished one of my pendants today.  I used black chain, large silver beads and black volcano beads.  Showed it to my husband and he said it was too long so I re-did it shorter and I like it better.  His suggestions don't always work but most of the time he's right.  (Who said that?)

Camera and I are having a fight again.  This should be brighter.  Click on the picture to see it better.  I really like it.

Hey Booboo, got two new cats but they don't like tuna and don't make noise.

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