Saturday, December 31, 2011

AND THE WINNER IS...........................

Today was the drawing for the cat pendant and the winner is ColtPixy.  You can thank John, he picked your name out of the box.

Congratulations.  Please email me your address and I will put it in the mail Tuesday since Monday is a postal holiday.  I know this little guy is going to a good home. 
Happy New Year Colt Pixy and everyone that left a comment on my blog.  I'm sure you are all going to have a wonderful 2012.

Happy New Year to all my blog friends and family.  My New Year is going to be more interesting because of this:

This is Buster.  We were going to call him Teddy but he's not a Teddy.  We have been laughing for 5 days.  He's such a joy.  He loves to eat, play, sleep and poop........
He's given us so much love and millions of laughs.  He crawls under the covers at night and sleeps right next to me.  His purring helps me fall asleep.

If you can adopt an animal from a shelter near you, I promise you won't regret it.  This is the 5th cat that I've gotten from a shelter and they keep getting better.
I guess that cat pendant is pretty appropriate right now.
Happy New Year


  1. Oh my goodness!! What a wonderful surprise. Thank you so much! I can't wait to see it in person.

    Happy New Year!!

  2. Congratulations Coltpixy!! What a way to start the New Year...winning! 8)
