Saturday, December 10, 2011


It's 75 degrees here in Arizona and the sun is shining.  It's a polymer clay in paradise day.  Listening to Christmas music with the windows open and doing clay.  And no, I don't miss the snow.  Drove to work in that for 31 years.  I'm done with shoveling and boots and long underwear.

I've been trying to get some Christmas presents done this week but I had a migraine Wednesday, Thursday and today.  The pills I have make me feel drunk and hung over so it's hard to accomplish anything.  Lori from Pretty Things is having the same problem.  Must be that time of year.

I finally finished 8 golf stroke counters that are going in my Etsy and Artfire stores.

This is one.  It has Swarovski crystals on the wood beads to give it a little glam.  I have a lady who buys them just to hang on her purse.  My purse is heavy enough.

I've said before how much I like doing beaded Kumihimo instead of beaded crochet.  Well, I finished this Christmas necklace and put one of my snowmen on it.  I was going to give it as a gift but I think it's going in my Artfire store.  If it doesn't sell, it will be a gift next year.

Back to the icepack and hot tea.

Oh by the way, the new "From Polymer To Art" magazine has a wonderful tutorial written by Lynda Moseley "SC DIVA".  It's a Faux Lavender Necklace and it's beautiful.  The instructions are really great.  I've had a few times when I've had to ask Lynda for help and she loves to share.  You can find Lynda at and
I didn't tell Lynda but the only reason I bought the book was because she was in it.  :0)

Actually, there is another very talented lady in the book this time.  Her name is Cara Jane Hayman and she has an article about the curing experiments she did.  You saw what happened to mine, I almost burned the garage down.  Cara is from England and does a lot of beautiful polymer clay work.  You can find Cara at

I have a disease.  I think now that I got this in the mail I have every polymer clay book and magazine ever written.  Someday I'm going to read them instead of just looking at the pretty pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, Bonnie, I hope that migraine is gone today. I used to get them a lot, so I know how miserable you must be.

    Love the new golf-stroke counter and the kumhimo necklace with the great snowman!
