Wednesday, February 1, 2012


OK, I'm frustrated.  Most days I can sit down and make a flower cane or Kaleidoscope cane with no problem.  Now that I HAVE to make a cane my brain and fingers aren't working together.  My friend Evelyn who has macular degeneration came over the other day so we could "play with clay" and do some canes for the cane swap.  Yesterday she came over so I could help her reduce her cane.  She fell in the garage a couple weeks ago and hurt her hand.  Her cane is beautiful.  She has a way with colors.  She was an art teacher all her life and now she has trouble seeing, it's a dam shame.  That's all I can say.

This is her Kaleidoscope cane which I think is beautiful.

This is my cane that I did yesterday and my black clay was very mushy so I'm letting it rest and then I will square up the sides.  This is how it started.

I wanted to reduce while it was still a little soft because I thought it wouldn't move if I waited too long.  Guess I should have waited, the black would have reacted better.  At least I got 4 canes out of this so I only need 6 more.  I have till the 18th of February but I have a ton of other things I need to do like play with the cat.  LOL

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