Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Next time you get a Trader Joe's bag, bite a hole in the side and keep sticking your head out.
This cat makes me laugh all day long.  He is still stealing things.  Pens are missing from every desk, his original collar that he had on when I got him from the shelter is no where to be found.  He probably put it in the cat liter so I wouldn't put it back on him. 

He's a climber, if we can't find him, we just go in the closet and look up.

I can't believe I got so lucky.

I'm doing a demo tomorrow on Kaleidoscope canes at our beading club and I don't have anything ready yet.  I have a migraine but I better get to work.  I want to make one something like this but with more Skinner blends and less pre-blended canes.

I've been making a lot of Stroppel canes from all the pieces I had left from our guild's cane exchange.  I usually do them in black but I did one yesterday with a coral layer to it.
I really like this.  It's more summery and lighter looking.

By the way, it was 80 here today and I played golf for the first time in 3 months.  It was gorgeous.

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