Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I spent hours making these beads and then I put them in the tumbler for 12 hours and then buffed them.  I saw some beads on the internet that were beautiful and I asked the person who made them what she used.  She told me about a glaze that she put on after buffing.  I ordered the glaze, put it on and 4 hours later they were still sticky even though the bottle said it dried in 30 minutes.  I put them back in the oven on 200 degrees for 30 minutes.  They were still sticky.  I put two coats of Future on them and put them back in the oven and they were still sticky.  I refuse to sand small beads.  I put them back in the tumbler for 10 hours thinking it would take all the glaze and Future off which I've done before.  If you look close, you can see the lumps, bumps and peeling on the beads.  They are tacky and sticky, feel and look really bad.  Going in the garbage along with glaze.

This is a pendant I just finished that I call "Mother-Daughter Pendant". I'm going to spray it with PYM II to protect the antiquing and put bails on them.  These will be a Mother's Day present.

I guess I'm into hearts and puff beads now.  This was done with a cane I received in our clay guild's cane swap.

I love the way these colors turned out.  It was a happy accident and I've tried to do it again but haven't been able to yet.

Another puff bead.  These are really fun but I have to get into some brighter colors.  I'm a gold, green and brown girl so it's hard for me to get out of my safe place.

Someone please come and move me to the other side of the color wheel????????????????


  1. So what was the glaze? I have quite an arsenal of donated glazes I haven't tried of them might be the 'evil' one ;-0

  2. I can't put the name of the gloss on this blog but I ordered from a company that I had never heard of before. I also ordered a couple other products and they were fine. If you are using normal polymer clay glazes you should be fine.

  3. What a shame! Love all your hearts and puffs - stay away from new glazes on those!

  4. I would be been pissed off, Bonnie...all that beautiful work down the drain. Did you try taking the glaze off with a little alcohol or acetone? Sometimes that does the trick and then you could sand and buff them again. Not sure how well the polymer would hold up to all of that though. Such a should have called me, I would have come over and tried to sand them for you. I love your new creations especially the mother and daughter pendants...awesome idea!

  5. What a shame about the glaze not working on your beautiful beads. Hope you're able to salvage them. Love your Mother and Daughter Pendant and especially like the last heart down, the "Happy Accident" one. It has an appealing earthy feel to it that's really special. I am finding more and more "Happy Accident" pieces in my own work that can't seem to be replicated. Perhaps that's the )somewhat frustrating) nature of the creative process and the mediums we use.
