Monday, May 7, 2012


How many beads does it take to make a 30 inch lanyard?  LOTS AND LOTS.

A friend asked me to make a lanyard for her friend and said she had to have it 30 inches long.  I didn't realize how long that is until I cut the wire.  I called my friend and asked if she was sure this woman needed a 30 inch lanyard.  She laughed.  Apparently the lanyard is for a woman who is 5'10" tall and has a rather large bosom.  She wanted green, yellow, blue and silver.  I decided to make some polymer beads and when I went to find yellow, green and blue beads, I was surprised to find there wasn't much out there that I really liked and decided to use what I had.  So, here it is.

As you can see, I don't have my photo box set up anymore.  Thank goodness for Picasa.  Hope all these different colors of yellow will work for her. 

I'm really tired now.  Don't want to see beads for a long time.

At least till tomorrow.

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