Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I'm going to post some pictures that I took today.  I woke up with a migraine and took some pills that made me shaky.  No matter how many pictures I took, they all have a little blur so it's not you.  I'm too lazy to get out the tripod and all the picture taking equipment.  This headache is a monster today but I wanted to do something besides sleep.


Ever since the first time I watched Alice Stroppel's video on how to make a Stroppel Cane, I've been hooked.  I'll bet I have 35 of them here in my studio.  I've about done everything possible with them except make clothes out of them.  Today I had a small square, I turned it on a point and flattened it, layed a sheet of ecru mixed with pearl, rolled it up, made a triangle, cut it, rearranged it a couple times and made a pendant out of it.  I textured the back and think I like the back as much as the front.  I also think I would have liked this with just plain pearl and no ecru.

It's been sanded and buffed.  I think I'll try again with the pearl and one of my 35 other Stroppel Canes.

Since it's been 113 here for the past week I haven't done much except eat biscotti that I bought at Costco (and now I'll have to buy bigger pants).  I saw Randee Ketzel's tutorial for Striped Spiral Pendants on  Hers are beautiful, I love her colors.  I used orange, yellow and the new Premo metallic peacock.  Not sure I like the orange.

This is pendant number one.  I flattened it, which Randee doesn't do.  It has a fancy crimp cover in the middle.  I sanded and buffed it.  It's kind of fun.  Out of my normal use of black and what other color is sitting there.

This is pendant number two.  Left it round.  Randee tells you to roll it so it's smooth but I liked the separations in the colors so I left it that way.  It also has a fancy crimp cover.

This is pendant number 3 and it's a baby.  I think I might put a Swarovski crystal in the middle.  Am toying with the idea of making Kumihimo ropes for these but until this headache goes away I'm trying not to think too much.


  1. Oh, those nasty migraines. Hope you're feeling better today. I love your Stroppel Cane pendant with the ecru, but I think I'll love it even more with plain pearl. Your Striped Spiral Pendants are great and I really like the fancy crimps embedded in them. Yes, when you feel better, a Kumihimo rope will be beautiful with them.

  2. Sorry to hear about your headache I have been suffering with a few recently too so I know how you feel! Hope you are recovered now!
    that's cool what you did with the stroppel cane. I too also have lots but haven't been so inventive with mine. Nice spiral pendants, I like the separations too.

  3. I like the rough look! I'm always so tickled to see where people go--the variations are so fun. Hope you're feeling much better by now.
