Wednesday, July 25, 2012


It's been a while since I've blogged, not lazy, busy or is it dizzy?????  Had to make a bunch of stuff for my sister for her birthday.  Someday I'll make something that fits or that she likes.  NOT.

I have this problem, I like making things, but I don't like finishing things.  I finally finished a piece. 
I love doing Kumihimo but it doesn't always fit everything I make.  This time, I made a smaller rope and added the beads on the top.  They are really smooth so it lays really nice.  I was worried about the wire being rough.


  Remember I said I had an obsession with Guilders Paste.  Here it is.  I need a 12 step program.  I have all of them but white.  Maybe I should get the white.  YOU THINK?????

I'm going to Wisconsin for two weeks and I'm putting a trap on my Guilders Paste.  Don't even think about touching it.  Tee hee hee.

  This was done with black clay and the Patina Guilders Paste.
I don't normally like this kind of piece but when I saw this mold, I really liked it.
Not sure what I'm going to hang it on.

Don't touch my Guilders Paste.


  1. lol I think it's safe with me I'm a bit far away!

    I have the same problem - I have such a pile of half finished stuff!

    Go on get the white then you can stop thinking about whether to get it or not ;)

    Have a great trip

  2. Oh dear, I have that malady, Bonnie, and I recognize the symptoms: buying everything in a set (can't stand to be missing any!!) and then I can't wait to try them out, but finishing? what fun is that? I do much better under a deadline, like a challenge or a birthday. But that being said, if you do start CA (Collectors Anonymous) meetings, I'd be happy to take those tins of temptation off your hands LOL
