Friday, October 19, 2012

DID I DO THAT????????????????

Yesterday I went to get my Ipod and my Sony ear buds so I could go for a walk and boy did I have a surprise.  Both sets of ear buds had the rubber coating chewed off and the wire was bent and chewed also.

I don't remember letting Buster watch Steve Urkel but I think he's related to him.  Now I have to go buy new ear buds and have to remember to hide them from this crazy cat.  I never had to put my beading away or hide the dental floss with any of the other cats but I always had to hide the yarn.  This cat doesn't care about the yarn but he keeps stealing the Fireline and anything that has thread including the dental floss and the knitting needles and the crochet hooks.  Last night at midnight he was rolling the knitting needles around the tile floor.  So I had to get up and search for them and put them away.


A friend of mine bought her grand daughters some little purses while she was in Kansas.  When I saw them, I had a few ideas on how to change them.  They can also be used as hats so I did a few adjustments and added some beads and changed the straps. 

  These are really little girl hats so my little friend modeled the one I made for her granddaughter.  It's too little for her head but will fit the little one just fine.
Tomorrow is our clay guild meeting and I'm really excited.  Penni Jo Couch from Best Flexible Molds is coming to our meeting and she's going to do a demo.  I think I have everyone of her molds.  I buy them to give as gifts to clay people and also to put in bags when we do our exchange up at camp and at Christmas.
Time to get something done so I can go play.

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