Friday, October 12, 2012


Today is National Buster Day.
Yesterday I took one of my best friends to her plastic surgeon.  On August 15 she had both breasts removed because of cancer.  She is now going through the process of having injections into the temporary expanders that they put in.  She had no pain yesterday when they did it so we celebrated by going out to lunch and shopping at all the craft stores we could find.  Like I needed more STUFF.  I'm so happy for her and so grateful for her recovery because she is one very special lady.
All my friends know that I am a cat person and I worship the little gift I got for Christmas last year.  When I got Buster from the shelter his name was Leroy.  He's not a Leroy but he is a Buster Leroy.  I kept his middle name because that's Jethro Leroy Gibb's middle name.  He's Mark Harmon on NCIS.  That says it all.
Buster keeps us laughing all day long when he's not sleeping and he's been pretty funny today so it's going to National Buster Day at our house.  I'll show you why.
I was mopping the floor and he watched every move of the mop.  Never took his eyes off me.  The towel on the chair is because he uses the chair as a launching pad.
Yesterday I found this Halloween cat collar.  He's so funny.  Let's me dress him up like a doll.  Doesn't last long but he lets me take his picture.  He has thrown this collar on the floor at least a dozen times.  Wait till he sees what we are going to do for Christmas.
He has a fan club on facebook.
Had to put my sleeping bag in a white garbage bag because someone uses the bag holder for a hiding place.

My husband brought me a buttermilk donut for our anniversary and I had a piece on the desk and went to get more coffee.  He stole my donut and then made believe he was sleeping when I came in the office.  He had crumbs on him.  The little devil.  Made believe he couldn't hear me.

No pictures of polymer clay or beading today.  This is my way of thanking all the people who work in shelters.  This cat has been a blessing.  I don't know how I got so lucky but I want to do the "ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE" dance.  Except for the fact that I'll have to mortgage my home to pay for his food.  He is a blessing.  Nothing like a kitten to change life and make it better.



  1. Happy National Buster Day, Bonnie! He is such a scamp. I don't know what I would do without my little furry grandchildren LOL.

  2. Gotta love that cat. You must get a gazillion laughs out of him. Such fun!
