Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Sunday was a wonderful day.  Our guild was able to take a class with Sarah Shriver.  My BFF's and I were all together all day Sunday learning and having an incredible day.  Sarah is an amazing teacher.  Her color mixing methods make doing clay and making Skinner blends a whole new experience to an old clayer I mean an experienced clayer. LOL

This is Sarah showing us different methods of setting up Skinner blends for our canes.

This is one of the canes from the class but I don't recognize the fingers so I don't know who it belongs to.
These are Natasha beads I made with the end pieces of my cane.  I was so excited.  The one on the right looks like a cat with wings and little shoes.  Everything I look at has a cat in somewhere.  LOL

If I ever get some pieces finished pieces, I'll post them.

Wanted to thank Jodie for setting up the classes and all the hard work she put into organizing them and I wanted thank Carolyn for letting us use her shop for our class.  It was the perfect place for a class.  AND, I want to thank Sarah for sharing such wonderful information with us.

Sarah has a DVD that shows her techniques with color, canes and blends called Intricate Kaleidoscope Canes and it will give you an insight to her incredible canes.

Walked over to vote this morning.  It was a beautiful morning till I got in the room to vote.  There were about 10 people working in there and the smell of perfume and after shave were so strong my head plugged up and I could hardly breathe which made it hard to want to stay there.  Do people think wearing perfume makes them better looking? 
Why doesn't someone invent a perfume that smells like CHOCOLATE OR POPCORN?


  1. It was so much fun!! I finally finished one of my beads...will post in a day or so. I came back with so many ideas, now if I can follow through (that would be good)! That cane was Idelle's cane. I think she has a metal ruler. Buster is a cutie as usual! Thank goodness, I mailed my ballot in, so much easier for me, since I take care of my father-in-law. Weather has been gorgeous to walk...been walking to my gym in the mornings.

  2. Bonnie, your Natasha beads are beautiful. Yes, I see the cat with the wings. It looks like he's the base of a totem pole.

  3. Sarah explained her color techniques so well even I got it. Really enjoyed the class it was great fun. Bonnie that cat image on your Natasha bead is amazing.

  4. That project is beautiful. How I wish I can make something like that. I will need a lot of creativity in my hands.
