Tuesday, December 11, 2012


You probably think I'm going to start talking religion.  I don't do that, my politics, religion and family are pretty private.

When I said the King came home for Christmas I'm talking about one of the most beautiful and regal kittens I've ever seen.  A very dear friend of mine rescued two kittens from the shelter about 6 weeks ago.  The boy's name is King and the girl's name was Peep.  He is regal and she peeps (the reason for the names).  No one wanted to adopt King because he had been abused and was very skittish.  He had been in a home with a small child who was not taught how to treat an animal.  He was put in a container with Peep and the two of them bonded so my friend took them both.  No two animals have ever had more love (except maybe Buster).  Anyway, someone came over and King ran outside.  She tried everything to get him back in.  He spent the days roaming some where and the nights on her patio talking to Peep through the screen.  She gave him water and food but as soon as she would move, he ran away.  He was outside for at least 8 days.  Sunday night I went over and we spent an hour with a bowl of food and being as still as we could but kept moving the food closer and closer to the house.  We got the bowl in the house and he came in to eat and we got the door closed just in time.  In the mean time, my friend adopted another kitten named Queen.  We found King and Queen in the closet snuggling together on my friends jeans.  We both cried.

THE KING HAS COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS.  He used the kitty liter and sat in the cat condo so all is good.

Every year I make jewelry for my sister, nieces and nephew's wife.  I'm late this year.  They love Shambala bracelets so I'm making a bunch for them to wear.

Also made some stretch bracelets.  Love those beads from Joann's.
My family doesn't read my blog so that's a good thing.
I tried to warn him he was falling off the chair but he wouldn't listen.  Sure enough he clunked his head on the chair back when he started to fall.
He keeps getting up on the computer and stepping on that little button that turns the computer off.  I lost two emails so I had to put a cardboard over it to stop him.
We all know and love Penni Jo Couch and she put a free Christmas earring tutorial out.
Send her a note and thank her if you like it.  I think it's great.


  1. What a happy Christmas story! I just don't understand why people want pets if they aren't going to love them and treat them like their children.

    Your bracelets are beautiful. The pink one is my favorite. All the beads look like Christmas ornaments!

  2. So happy to read the story of your friend and King, Peep and Queen. How patient you must have been to have finally lured King inside and what a relief that must have been! What lucky cats to have gotten a new and loving home for Christmas.

    I really LOVE your new Shambala bracelets, especially the two with round blue beads with what looks likes glitter. I got some chunky glitter out today and was thinking about trying to use it for an application like you did. Would you be willing to divulge how get the glitter to stay on?

    I also particularly like the festive pink bracelet with what look like tiny round pink metallic beads glued on a bigger bead.

    Poor Buster, always in trouble!
    They are so unusual and GORGEOUS!
