Saturday, March 9, 2013


This little pot is made entirely of polymer clay.  My friend Judy came up with this idea about 2 years ago and there was an article in Polymer Cafe on how to do it.  She did a class at our beading club on Wednesday so I made a bunch of canes the day before and made another pot.  Unfortunately on Tuesday night I had cramps in my fingers so bad, I couldn't move them.
This is the cane I made.  It's called the Frilly Flower Cane and it's a tutorial by Kathy Harm at  It's really a lot of fun.  I cut it in half and wrapped half with fuchsia too.
I have about 4 feet of cane and I'm going to make beads with it for golf stroke counters.
This is a scarf pin I made with the cane for a friend who is leaving to move back to Colorado.  I also made her two scarves to go with it.
Do you know how hard it is to do laundry when the basket has something in it?
Good old Buster.  I should have known by the size of his feet when he was a baby that he was going to be a really big cat.


  1. The bigger the cat the more there is to cuddle! I love your gorgeous pot and the frilly flower cane is wonderful. I especially liked how you made it look like a different cane just by wrapping it with fuchsia. Scarf pin/scarf, lovely and a great idea for using PC, especially for people who might not wear necklaces or bracelets. Your lucky friend will remember you every time she wears it.

  2. I am pleased to see I can once again get on your site, Bonnie! I have some of Charm's other tute's but not his one... it looks great, doesn't it?

    Buster certainly grew. Strangely, my male cat has huge paws (which make him look intimidating) but is an average size overall. My son's kitty (may he RIP) had the tiniest paws yet grew to be over 15 lbs, not fat, mind you.

    Drop by my blog if you get a chance, I posted something March 20 I bet Buster would LOVE!
