Thursday, April 4, 2013

Clay Day Clay Class

I belong to a beading club and we have 160 members.  About 5 years ago I did a beginner's class in polymer clay and we now have about 20 people doing polymer.  Most of them know more than I do but we all do the same thing different if that makes any sense.

We usually get together the first Wednesday of the month to do clay and sometimes more often than that.  Some of the new girls are buying books and finding things in them that they want to try.  Yesterday they wanted to do the Chrysanthemum Cane from the Polymer Clay Art book.
That's the cane on the top and the heart on the left.
Everyone did their own version which was really neat.

  I wish I had more pictures but I kept getting caught up and set the camera down.  I love these ladies.  They are so generous and so much fun. 

This was my cane.  In the top picture the heart has not been baked yet.  I covered a ball of black scrap clay that had silver and some other colors in it.  I formed a heart out of it but didn't like the heart so I flattened it out and cut this heart out.  The bottom one has been sanded and buffed.  I really like it.

This is a Natasha bead made from the left over clay that I used for a couple canes and the Chrysanthemum cane.  I see an Indian with a head dress.  Tell me what you see.
This is the end of a cane that I made.  I think this is upside down.  Can you stand on your head to look at this?  It's been sanded and buffed also and it's really shiny but I didn't wait for the sun to come up to take the picture.  So now I probably have 200 Natasha bead pendants.
It's like chocolate, I just can't stop.



  1. Oh, if only I lived near you! I'd love to belong to your bead and clay group. Anyway, yes I clearly see the Indian with the headdress. He's clasping his hands in front of him. He's wearing a blue outfit with white boots that have yellow/orange fur trim. There are two goats (?) facing each other on either side of him.

  2. Love to play with cane!! Glad you all had fun! Awesome creations!

  3. Linda you are good. I have been staring at this guy and I don't see any goats.

  4. I totally see an Indian in that Natasha bead. How cool is that! I mean he's really, really clear. I have one special Natasha bead from my first year of kids and I call it the Jesus Bead. Because..yup...just like toast and buns from Burger King, there's Jesus!I keep thinking I should make something special from it. You're so lucky to have a great group of people to clay with. I'm jealous!
