Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Our clay guild here in Arizona donates beads and pendants to the "Beads of Courage".  It's an organization that helps children and their families going through serious illnesses.  Every time a child has a procedure (chemo, x-rays, MRI, blood transfusions, etc.) they get to pick a bead.  They are originally given a necklace to put their beads on.  The families also get to choose items for their necklaces.  You can read the whole story here.  http://www.beadsofcourage.org/

  If you would like to donate finished beads you can send them to our clay guild.  Contact me and I will give you the name and address of the person to send them to.  They need to be bright and colorful and well done.  They need to have a 2mm hole in order to get on the necklace.  Or, you can contact the people at Beads of Courage and send them directly to them. 

Just wanted to show you what I was so busy doing last week.  Here are the ones I made.
I like the cat with two different color eyes.  I put Swarovski crystals in the eyes of all the animals.
These were done by my friend Evelyn.
A whole bunch of ice cream cones.
We heard that a young boy at the Phoenix Children's Hospital had a 7 foot necklace.  I just can't imagine a child going through all that.
My last thought this morning is "Let's pray for the people in Oklahoma" and I've very thankful that our good friend Penni Jo Couch and her family are safe.

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