Monday, June 3, 2013


A few weeks ago Penni Jo Couch put a picture on her blog of her new turtle mold and then she had it on her facebook page.  I was so excited.  As you all know I love Penni Jo's molds.  I have them all.  When I'm in the nursing home, I'm going to take them with me so I can take my food and make cabochons and turtles out of it.  Any way, I got my turtle mold in the mail today and I'm going to make 100 turtles tonight.  LOL

You can get this mold and many more wonderful molds at


I can't figure out why I always have so much left over JUNK clay after every project that I do.  I love doing Natasha beads and pendants.  After the class I did last Wednesday, I had a pile of clay here.  You guessed it, I made Natasha pendants and used some of Penni Jo's molds.  I use to sand in cold water and soap and a friend of mine told me to use warm water and soap and these are really shiny but I also took out some new sand paper.

This is a pendant I did with one of Penni Jo's molds and some Sarah Shriver cane that I had left from a class that I took from her in November.

This is what was left of the Sarah Shriver cane and I did that Natasha thing which I love to do.

This is my favorite.  It was from the ends of the cane that I taught at class last week.  I was very careful about sanding and buffing.  It really looks like glass and it has a lot of pearl and translucent in it.

Here is another Natasha that got slightly off kilter but I like it.

I'm really excited.  My friend is coming over and we are going to do the Barbara Fajardo Mimbres Flora beads and pendants.  We both bought the tutorial from Craft Art Edu.  Our clay guild had Barb here a couple weeks ago for a two day class but I couldn't go because I was told I had a fractured hip and I couldn't sit for two days.  It wasn't a fracture, I've got bursitis.  Got a cortisone shot and am exercising a lot and it's much better.  If  you are hurting, push yourself to exercise and stretch.  I am walking my friend's 3 dogs every morning.  It's good for them and great for me.


  1. I love making Natasha beads with my left over canes too! These are beautiful! Oh, I want that turtle mold!! I want to see your creations that you make with it! Should be fun!

  2. Love your beautiful beads Bonnie! And that sanding is it die for - they look just like glass :)
