Thursday, October 3, 2013


Last week I was lucky enough to spend 4 days with a bunch of very talented ladies in Prescott, Arizona at a youth camp doing clay from 8 in the morning till 10 at night.  Now I know that sounds like a lot of fun but at my age there were a few drawbacks.  I just made a couple early New Years resolutions.  I'm never going to stay at a place where I have to bring my own bedding and never want to sleep in a bunk bed again.  I have bumps on my head where I hit the side of the bed bending over to get my clothes and bumps on my head from getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and forgetting there was a wooden plank hanging down on the bed because there was another bed over my head.  The camp we stayed at had awesome food but I'm just not a bunk bed girl.  At least I didn't have to get on the top.

I did a couple demos while we were there.  One of them that I did was the braided cane.
This was done with 3 Skinner Blends covered in black.  Then you braid the canes and flatten them and fold the clay back and forth.  Cut it with a wavy blade and there you have it.  I was so excited.  I got one of those things that go around that you can put tools in.  See it up in the left hand corner.  It's empty.  Not anymore.

The next thing I did a demo on was making boxes.  I've bought about 300 pounds of paper to make boxes and so far I've made 5.  Guess I better get to work.
This is one of the boxes I made.  I put batting on the inside just like the real box makers put cotton in theirs but mine are cuter.  LOL

Then I did a demo on how to make puffy beads.
If I can figure out where the finished bead is I'll take a picture and post it.  It took me 3 days to unpack.  I don't get it.  How do you come home with more than you left with?  So that's what I did for 4 days except for eating snacks which was really fun.

We sure have some talented people in our clay guild.  We had 6 people who had never been at camp before and they sure were busy and having a good time.  A bunch of us made Halloween bracelets.

This is my bracelet. I kind of over did it but I'm a cat person.  The other girls made gorgeous bracelets and I'll post some pictures when I get them.  Mine is kind of wonky but I was tired from bumping my head on the bunk beds.
This is my friend Carol's.  She's really talented and I haven't seen it finished yet but I can't wait.

I'm really upset, I'm watching The Millers and she has my flannel pajamas on and she's eating ice cream while she's walking on the tread mill.  Oh my goodness, it's me.  No more bunk beds.


  1. So cute, Bonnie... and I agree at a certain stage of life we should not subject ourselves to the bunk bed experience LOL.

  2. Love all those cat tile bracelets you all made! I'd say it was cat-tagious!
