Friday, October 11, 2013


Two nights ago the bulb in my Ott light died.  It was a 13W special bulb just for Ott lights.  So yesterday I went to Joann's to get a new bulb and they were $35.95 just for one bulb and that didn't include tax.  Around the corner from the bulbs were the Ott lights and the one I have was $59.95??????????  So the replacement bulb costs about 67 percent of what a whole new lamp would cost.  Well, right next to that lamp was a bigger one with an 18W bulb, bigger and sturdier base and the head on it was higher.  I had a 40% off coupon and my 10% discount card so I bought that lamp for 50% off and paid $58.00 for it.  I love this new lamp, takes a little more room on the table but sheds lots more light and the head doesn't get in the way.  I looked on Amazon when I got home and I can get the same bulb for $10.35 without shipping because I'm a prime member or the shipping would be $6.00.  So why does Joann's charge $35.95 for a bulb?  But, I got a new and bigger lamp so I'm a happy girl.


Did you ever make something that you didn't like?  A friend gave me her clay and all her stuff because her hands are bad.  She had some canes she made in a class that she took from someone else and asked me if I could make something for her since she wouldn't take money for the clay and tools.  She asked me to make a pendant.  The cane was just not to my liking but she likes it so I didn't change it.  The colors were uneven and the clay was mushy, she said it was Premo but I'm not sure.  She had another cane in there that I made a Natasha bead out of and didn't like those colors.  She made a giraffe cane in another class that she took but didn't realize she was using Fimo yellow translucent instead of ecru.  I used that cane to make a swirly lentil bead.  Anyway, here are the things I made for her with the clay things she had in the box.  I'm going to bring them to her today.  The purple and blue cane had big spots of blue in it and I had to cover them so I added a little bling.

I hope she likes these even though I'm not too crazy about them.

I'm going to start making my own Christmas ornaments because I'm getting a new Christmas tree. I only have 69 days so I better get to work.


  1. Thank you, Bonnie! I have been making do with ONE of my three Ottlites since my bulbs went kaput. I have the big 27W daylight bulb models I bought at my Staples store clearance table for 5 bucks apiece many years ago. I had given up on getting replacements online since they were so pricey (even more so when shipped to Canada).

    I am now a first-time customer. I bought 5 bulbs for under $40. with free shipping. A greenhouse supplier, of all things LOL. So thanks for the tip!

    Re: your "disliked" pendants: I am finally learning that not everyone shares my taste in colours and designs. I think you did a great job recycling her canes, Bonnie... your friend will be thrilled! My favorites are the "share" cross and your clever blinged-up purple pendant. Clever girl!

  2. I agree with what Monique said - you are a clever girl and your pendants came out beautiful!! I know your friend will love them :)

    I'm thinking I'm going to stay away from the Ottlites - thanks for the heads up - the price of the bulb is ridiculous!!

  3. I can't believe bulbs are that expensive...hope mine lasts a little while longer. You always have a way with pendants, so I am sure your friend will like them even though you are not that crazy about them. I think they are lovely and she will too!
