Monday, January 27, 2014


I belong to a facebook group called International Polymer Clay Swaps.  Every time we do a swap the administrator gives you the title of what the swap is and we also do a twinchie (same as an inchie only twice as big).  This time it was Valentines Day and it could be what ever you wanted.  I had already started doing a couple pieces so I'm lucky I got done and got them sent by the time the date came that we had to send them out.  My swap partner was Laurel Steven who lives in California, the last two swap partners live in Canada and it seemed like it took 3 weeks for the packages to get there.  Laurel took a great picture of what I sent her and put it on facebook and told me I could use the picture for my blog.  As you know I put my light box away when we had the flood and after cleaning the dining room I didn't feel like messing it up again so my pictures aren't as nice as this one.  She uses photo shop and I'm too cheap to buy that so I use Picasa.
The top left is my twinchie that I made from a lightning cane that I had.  The middle one is a heart with resin and rub on letters and more resin (Lupe Meter inspired that one).  I put it on a Kumihimo chain and made a keychain/purse bling out of it.  The one on the right is a pendant I made with the same cane (sanded and buffed) and put on a silver neck chain.

These are my pictures.  I'll post Laurel's items as soon as I get them.  Now I have to get working on the things I'm going to send to the Oklahoma Clay Guild for their retreat.  Soon as I get rid of this migraine.  Been two days.  Anyone else out there get them?  What do you do for them?

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