Wednesday, April 9, 2014


In February, Alice Stroppel came up with another new way to use up old canes and it's really great.  If you want to see how she does it, watch this tutorial.

Of course I had to try it.  My first one came out really interesting.  I thought I took a picture but I can't find it.

The Orlando Clay Guild is having a big Clay Fandango and asked if I would donate something so I made a pendant using the new Stroppel cane and used one of Penni Jo Couch's molds.  It's my favorite one actually.  So this is going in the mail today.
Wish I was going to Florida to be with all those fun girls and do clay.

1 comment:

  1. I think this might be the best Stroppel2 that I've seen, really rich.

