Friday, May 2, 2014


This Monday at 7:30 a.m. I am having foot surgery.  I've put it off long enough and can't put it off any more.  This little scooter will be my transportation for the next 6 weeks.  It's kind of fun and I've been practicing on it around the house.  I've only hit two walls so far.  I love the basket.  It holds a 6 pack and a bag of Cheetos.  I tried putting Buster in it but that was like trying to give him a bath.  As you can see the handle is on the left side so I'll be kneeling on the right side.  Thank goodness it has a brake.  My biggest concern is taking a shower and washing my hair.  Sometimes in the summer I do that twice a day.  I was told I can't get my foot wet for two weeks.  I don't like washing my hair in the sink but that might be my last resort.

Last week my husband took me to Vegas to have some fun before the surgery.  We were at the RIO and decided to have lunch.  We asked if the hammered pork sandwich was big enough to split, she just laughed.  The sandwich was at least 12 inches or bigger and came with two pounds of sweet potato fries.  I didn't even eat the bun on my half.  Not sure why the portions are so big.  Waste of food and money if you ask me, but no one did.

My niece and nephew are big Bears fans so I made then a Bear's pen.  Hopefully, I'll be able to do some clay and Kumihimo if I can get back in my studio after the surgery.  In the meantime I'm washing floors and cleaning so I don't have to worry about it while I'm sitting with my foot up in the air for 3 days.

I ordered some that new Sculpey Souffle clay from Joann's.  It was on sale, half price.  It's just like Studio by Sculpey but the colors seem darker.  If you are interested in learning more about it, go to The Blue Bottle Tree blog (Ginger)  she explains everything about Souffle.

Not sure if I'll be posting again for a while.  Have a good week and rescue an animal if you can.

I wish I could find someone to walk my 3 favorite dogs for me while I'm laying around with my foot in the air.

They wore me out this morning. Honey and Beau on top, Champ on the bottom.  Honey likes to go 40 miles an hour and all the other two want to do is pee on every bush.


  1. Oh dear, your poor puppies are going to miss their walks with you, Bonnie :( I hope your surgery goes well and time passes quickly (you need a new hobby that goes well with an elevated foot). Anyone have an old pair of hip waders you can adapt as water-proof footwear for bathing? How big will your bandages be?

  2. Your fur buddies are going to miss their walks, that is for sure! Wish I lived closer, I would take them for walks. My two fur babies need to pee at every bush, so I know how you feel. Enjoy your weekend before surgery. Will be praying for you!

  3. If I lived near you, I'd be thrilled to walk those cuties. Good luck with the surgery. Keeping you in my prayers.

  4. Thanks everyone. Monique, I have no idea how big the bandage will be but I do have big feet so I'm sure they will be big.
